Professional Answering Services

Lets face it, we all hate automated message services. A recent survey that was conducted by a large telecommunications firm in Ireland found that in excess of 70% of people actually refuse to leave a message when they are directed to an automated answering service. What this means in the majority of cases is that those people will simply hang up from the call and call the next person down the list. That next person down the list is most likely to be one of your competitors, so you end up being hit with a double whammy. Running a small business can be hectic. Not only do you have to do the work, bring in more work and supervise staff. All the while the telephone is ringing and you or your staff need to drop whatever you are doing and attend to that incoming call. It can be extremely frustrating when you are right in the middle of something complex and you lose your train of thought to field another telemarketing call. It really doesn't have to be that way. With a virtual receptionist service from ViirtualReceptionist.London you can get on with your work and dealing with your customers while our professional and competent receptionists get on with the task of answering your telephone calls. Think of how much more you will be able to get done!

Virtual Receptionists

Lets face it, we all hate automated message services. A recent survey that was conducted by a large telecommunications firm in Ireland found that in excess of 70% of people actually refuse to leave a message when they are directed to an automated answering service. What this means in the majority of cases is that those people will simply hang up from the call and call the next person down the list. That next person down the list is most likely to be one of your competitors, so you end up being hit with a double whammy. Running a small business can be hectic. Not only do you have to do the work, bring in more work and supervise staff. All the while the telephone is ringing and you or your staff need to drop whatever you are doing and attend to that incoming call. It can be extremely frustrating when you are right in the middle of something complex and you lose your train of thought to field another telemarketing call. It really doesn't have to be that way. With a virtual receptionist service from ViirtualReceptionist.London you can get on with your work and dealing with your customers while our professional and competent receptionists get on with the task of answering your telephone calls. Think of how much more you will be able to get done!

Setting Up Your Virtual Reception Service

When you decide to sign up for our no obligation Seven Day FREE Trial, we will allocate a local London telephone number to your account. This is the telephone number that we will be answering calls from. If you are a new startup then you might want to use this as your main number while if you are an established business you will probably want to divert incoming calls to this number. Some of our customers divert their calls directly to our number while others divert after a specific number of calls. Others again simply use us for overflow calls or during really busy periods. It is all totally up to you.

Once your telephone number has been allocated you will need to decide on the greeting that is used when your callers ring. This greeting is personalised in respect of your specific account and can be changed at any time using our easy to use admin area or by using our iPhone or Android apps. If you wanted to you could have a different greeting every single day. It is all up to you. Once you have your greeting decided upon you simply need to tell us how you want to receive your messages and you are pretty well ready to go. You can either receive messages by email or SMS however with the advent of the smart phone we are finding that the majority of our customers opt for receiving their messages by email on their smart phone.

At VirtualReceptionist.London we won't lock you in to a long term contract. Our 5,000+ worldwide customers stick with us because of our exceptional level of service and because we understand telephone answering. We won't hit you with any expensive security deposits or set up fees and you don't have to worry about cancellation fees if you decide to leave. You can also change your plan at any time so the service that you are receiving matches the level of business that you are doing.

How We Answer Your Calls

Our UK based professional reception staff will be available during business hours to answer your incoming calls. Our KPI's are to answer that call within 6 rings and we manage to hit that KPI in more than 93% of times. This is usually within 10 seconds of that phone starting to ring. Because we have a large team of telephonists we can cope with volume. If you have a big advertising campaign running or you have your annual sale happening then we have the resources available to ensure that you don't miss a call. And the great thing is that you only pay for what you use!

Once that call has been answered there are a number of ways that we can deal with it

Direct Call Transfer From Us To Your Phone

When you set up your account in our system you can choose "available for call transfer," from the menu. If you select this option then we will answer the incoming call and use your "Find Me" number settings (mobile, home office, hotel room, office extension etc) in order to track you down and transfer that phone call to you. Your "Find Me" numbers can be updated at any time online or by using our app's.

Message Delivery

If you have your status set to "Do Not Disturb" and you forward a call to us then we will take a message from that caller. Once we have taken that message then there are two options for delivering that message to you, either email or SMS. If you decide to opt for SMS then there is a small fee involved for each SMD that we send while email is free.

Transfer the Incoming Call to a Colleague

If you intend to be away for a longer period of time then you may want to transfer your incoming calls to another member of staff or one of your work mates. This is no problem with our service, you can simply set up a directory of other numbers that you want us to try for your incoming calls.

Give Information to Your Callers

Quite often people are calling you to simply get some basic information like what are your opening hours, what is your fax number, do you have an email address that I can send something to. Our receptionists can handle all of these types of calls if you want. Simply tell us what information you want us to give out and we can handle it for you.

FREE seven Day Trial
(with NO Obligation and NO Credit Card required on sign-up)

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In just minutes from now we could be answering your incoming telephone calls!

Signing up really does just take a few minutes. A virtual receptionist could be handling your incoming calls in just a few minutes from now. This could really take the pressure off your team. What have you got to lose!

Sign Up today for our 7 Day FREE Trial and you could be testing out one of the worlds best answering services for yourself!

You will be in good company, whether you are a one or two person local business or a division of a listed company with hundreds of staff we will be able to help you out.

One of the biggest complaints we ever get from customers is: “I literally had no idea that this service even existed, our incoming callers think ‘our receptionist’ is sitting right there in our office. I wish we had discovered VirtualReceptionist.London years ago”.

NO Minimum Term and NO Long Term Contracts

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